Update: The Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Mental Health draft report was released on 31 October 2019. Read our response here.
On the 5 of April, 2019 Launch Housing made a submission to Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health which aims to explore the social and economic benefits of improving mental health.
It is critical that housing and supports are provided for people experiencing mental illness to prevent and respond to homelessness and accommodation instability. Homelessness can have a devastating effect on mental health and wellbeing, and consequently, have an adverse effect on the social and economic impact on individuals and the broader community.
Mental health, the mental health system, and its broader effects on wellbeing and social participation have been the subject of numerous reviews over the past decade. It is especially important that the work of the Productivity Commission is aligned with the current investigations of the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
We have identified the following themes for consideration by the Productivity Commission:
Prioritising the specific issues for high needs groups in Australia.
Read our submission to the Productivity Commission Inquiry Submission Mental Health and the attachment.