Education First Youth (EFY) Foyers works to break the cycle of homelessness by supporting young people, aged 16 to 24, to build a secure and sustainable livelihood.
By providing young people supported housing, dedicated coaching, and a suite of opportunities and resources, EFY Foyers help youth to build the skills they need to lead fulfilling, independent and productive lives.
EFY Foyers are an integrated learning environment not simply focused on a housing outcome. We do this via mentoring and coaching using an Advantaged Thinking approach to invest in the skills, capacity and aspirations of young people as well as education, training and employment pathways.
Launch Housing currently operates two Education First Youth Foyers – Holmesglen EFY Foyer, based at Holmesglen Institute’s Glen Waverley campus, and Kangan EFY Foyer, based at the Kangan Institute, Broadmeadows.
Very quietly, away from the bright lights of Melbourne’s CBD, something beautiful is happening. Young people, with the safety and security that only stable accommodation can provide, are achieving their goals, nurturing their talents, and building skills for life ahead.
Despite the myriad of reasons that led to a young person’s experience of homelessness, we see young adults succeeding at education, finding employment, creating new friendship groups, building connections with the wider community and lifting their eyes to a new horizon.
The secret? Education First Youth Foyers. Download our Prospectus to find out more.
Launch Housing is grateful for the involvement and support of the Brotherhood of St Laurence in contributing to the development of this document.
The 6 Service Offers of the EFY Foyer model – Education, Employment, Health and Wellbeing, Social Connections, Civic Participation, and Housing and Living Skills – are the very heart of what we do.
By partnering with those outside the homelessness sector, EFY Foyers works to create opportunities for young people around each of the service offers.
These offers represent the areas of life which, when balanced, can help ensure a young person thrives as an independent but connected adult.
All EFY Foyer students also complete the Certificate I in Developing Independence (DI).
A key part of the EFY Foyer model, the DI is an individualised learning plan for each EFY Foyer student, helping to establish a solid platform from which they can begin to explore and build skills and knowledge during their two years at the EFY Foyer.
To be eligible for an Education First Youth Foyer, you must be:
Students will pay 25% of their income + $10/week for utilities for rent.
We accept applications for EFY Foyer from young people directly and/or support services working with young people.
To apply, please call the EFY Foyer nearest to you.
If you want to apply to live in EFY Foyer in Glen Waverley, please complete the readiness form and send it to Education First Youth Foyer at Holmesglen Institute via [email protected].
30 Cavendish Street, Broadmeadows, Victoria 3047
Download EFY Foyer Readiness Form (Kangan)
629 Waverley Road, Glen Waverley, Victoria 3150
P: 03 9564 6488