An integrated health and homelessness response is critical to ending homelessness.
Many people who use our services have multiple physical and mental health challenges which require on-going attention and care.
An internal review of the people who stayed in Launch Housing's crisis accommodation from 2016-2022 showed:
This is why we have nurses and other health and AOD supports embedded into our core homelessness support services including the following sites:
On site clinical care makes healthcare more accessible to people who are using our services, and the following supports are provided:
Onsite AOD Support
Onsite nurse support:
Our most effective programs are providing clients with much needed healthcare and wellbeing supports embedded into our core homelessness support services.
However, one of the most significant challenges we still face is access to appropriate, timely and ongoing mental health care for our clients. We continue to advocate for the people we work with so that their needs are taken into consideration as part of the mental health system reforms underway in Victoria.
We also measure and track wellbeing outcomes of clients in our programs. We use the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI) tool to allow clients to self-identify their personal wellbeing, so that case managers can identify, tailor and coordinate their service needs.
Read more about the issue and solutions to address it in our Insights Paper Series on Health and Homelessness here.