Launch Housing has welcomed the government’s announcement to inject $109 million into providing support and homelessness services to vulnerable Victorians, particularly broadening the reach outside central Melbourne.
Launch Housing CEO, Tony Keenan said the announcement represents a comprehensive package that will allow for early action to prevent long term homelessness.
“Increasing funding in middle and outer areas is a common sense approach that we welcome” said Mr Keenan.
“This will allow agencies to work with people to stay in their local communities and access housing, which is much better than the drift towards the city we are currently seeing.”
“Our own research shows that rates of homelessness are significantly increasing in middle and outer suburban rings. And unfortunately that’s not where the services are located. That’s why the emphasis on suburban and country support in this announcement is so important.”
Commenting on the funding allocated to Families Supportive Housing, Mr Keenan said “this is the best chance of getting vulnerable families and particularly children housed safely. Launch Housing has been working with Kildonan Uniting Care to develop this project for some time and welcome this support from the Victorian Government.”
“People often underestimate the impact on children and their development during periods of crisis and homelessness. We know that children from families with housing problems are more likely to be placed in out-of-home care and have longer stays in foster care.”
“The Families Supportive Housing model will provide safe, secure housing while also addressing child and family wellbeing, family violence and homelessness. We know this will provide life changing benefits for families and children.”
“Families Supportive Housing will ensure every child in the project will be able to access early-years services and complete their schooling. At the same time, mothers will be able to develop skills toward financial health and wellbeing.”
“Models like this have been proven to work not just for singles, but for families as well, to stop intergenerational homelessness and disadvantage.
“This new investment in and rethink of how we provide crisis accommodation is much needed, especially given the increase in rough sleeping.”
Kildonan Uniting Care Chief Executive Officer Stella Avramopoulos said “This represents a genuine partnership between community organisations, corporate bodies and government to provide a holistic wrap around service for families in need.”
“For the women we work with and know are stuck in a cycle of violence, this project represents a way out. It will keep them safe and give them dignity, providing wrap around support services that will change their lives and keep their children safe, while nurturing their wellbeing.” said Ms Avramopoulos.
Read the full media release or more about the Families Supportive Housing project.