Construction is about to start on a new social housing development in Bellfield that will result in 58 new homes under the Victorian Government’s Big Housing Build.
When completed, this four-storey development will provide housing for people on the priority access list of the Victorian Housing Register.
The $24 million development is a partnership between Launch Housing and the Victorian Government. The government funded $18.25 million of the project through the Victorian Social Housing Growth Fund.
Launch Housing will build the development on public land that has leased from the City of Banyule for 50 years. Launch Housing will also manage the building when completed.
Bevan Warner, CEO of Launch Housing, has said he is excited to see the beginning of social housing projects promised with as part of the Big Build.
“We’re excited to be delivering the Bellfield Social Housing Project and look forward to seeing many more projects spring up around Victoria as part of the Big Build for people who urgently need a home.”
The building will have a number of sustainable features including an innovative timber structure that will reduce the development’s carbon footprint, solar energy and a rainwater harvesting system.
Launch Housing will commission a First Nations artist to create original artwork for the ground floor communal spaces. A place activation strategy has also been developed in consultation with local community groups and members of Launch Housing’s Lived Experience Advisory Program.
“Launch Housing is delighted to work with the Victorian Government, City of Banyule and the local community to deliver more safe, secure and affordable homes for singles, couples, families, older people and people living with a disability. – Bevan Warner, CEO of Launch Housing
The building will include a combination of one, two and three-bedroom apartments, which are in significant shortage in the area, especially for those on low to middle incomes. It will also include generous communal spaces, bike and pram storage and basement carparking.
The development will form part of Banyule City Council’s broader precinct activation, sitting adjacent the new Bellfield Community Hub currently under construction and the relocated community garden.
The 5.3 billion Big Housing Build is Victoria’s largest ever investment in social and affordable housing. This includes $1.38 billion through the Social Housing Growth Fund for the construction of new social housing dwellings in partnership with the community housing sector. The Bellfield development is expected to be finished in June 2023.