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The Policy Agenda


A zero tolerance for homelessness

Responds to the Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Homelessness This submission follows and builds on the evidence provided to the Legal and Social Issues Committee by Bevan Warner, Chief Executive Officer and Karren Walker, Manager Entry Points, on 22 November 2019. The persistence and continued growth of homelessness is unacceptable and unforgivable but it is eminently […]


Response to Productivity Commission’s draft report

The Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Mental Health draft report was released on 31 October 2019. Read our response here.  In April 2019 Launch Housing made a submission to the inquiry to highlight the critical importance of housing for good mental health care and recovery from mental ill-health. We called on the Productivity Commission to consider […]


Submission adequacy of Newstart and related payments

Launch Housing has submitted comments to the Senate Standing Committees on Community Affairs about the adequacy of Newstart and related payments for people who are either at risk of or experiencing homelessness. In particular, we have addressed the following matters from the Terms of Reference: the adequacy of income support payments in Australia and whether […]


Housing is good mental healthcare

Three steps to improve the mental healthcare of people experiencing homelessness This submission to the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System highlights the urgent need for housing to improve the mental healthcare of people experiencing homelessness. Launch Housing Launch Housing is an independent Melbourne-based community organisation working with people at risk of or experiencing […]


Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health

Update: The Productivity Commission’s Inquiry into Mental Health draft report was released on 31 October 2019. Read our response here.  On the 5 of April, 2019 Launch Housing made a submission to Productivity Commission inquiry into Mental Health which aims to explore the social and economic benefits of improving mental health. It is critical that […]


Royal Commission into Mental Health

Our submission to the Terms of Reference for the Royal Commission into Mental Health highlights the critical importance of stable housing in the prevention and early intervention of mental health issues. Safe, secure and appropriate housing is a fundamental prerequisite to engaging in society and directly contributes to overall health and wellbeing. Unfortunately, we know […]


Penalty Rates and Fair Pay Select Committee submission

There is a common misconception that people who experience homelessness are not engaged in the labour market or that they do not aspire to work. This is not actually the case; the majority of the people who experience homelessness are in the labour market in that they are employed or seeking employment. View full submission


Submission to the Review of the Residential Tenancies Act

Launch Housing made a substantial submission to the current review of the Residential Tenancies Act. It covers a range of issues, from the regulation of our own crisis accommodation sites, adult and youth residential rehabilitation services, longer term leases and notices to vacate, regulation of rooming houses, minimal standards within private rental properties and coverage […]


Submission to the Affordable Housing Working Group

Launch Housing made a submission to the Affordable Housing Working Group which was established by the Council on Federal Financial Relations to examine how the private sector (particularly large institutions like superannuation funds) can be encouraged to invest in affordable housing. Our submission noted that private sector finance shows potential. However we also recommended that […]


Royal Commission into Family Violence

Hanover Welfare Services and HomeGround Services made a joint submission to the Royal Commission into Family Violence. The submission highlighted that because many women and their children do not access police, court or family violence services, homelessness providers such as Hanover and HomeGround have become first response agencies for many women and children fleeing violence. […]

Launch Housing is a place where people of diverse backgrounds, genders and sexual orientations are welcomed and supported.
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 Launch Housing
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